Strategic Alliances

A Strategic Alliance is defined as a joint offering with another business organization that is governed by a legal agreement. We have Strategic Alliances with nationally recognized health care companies to help ensure customers have access to quality, cost-effective care. Cigna's Strategic Alliance partners are:

  • HealthPartners (Minnesota, North Dakota, Western Wisconsin)
  • MVP (Upstate and western New York area, Bradford county, PA)
  • Priority Health (Michigan's Lower Peninsula)
Some of your patients may have a plan offered through a Cigna Strategic Alliance. This means Cigna and another health plan jointly market benefit plans or share in the administration of the plan (e.g., we may perform claim re-pricing and other services). Participants in these plans can access in-network care through the alliance plan's network of participating providers in the alliance plan's select geographic area. In other locations, participants access care through the Cigna network.

There is no difference between treating patients with Strategic Alliance plans and those with coverage through Cigna plans. You can easily identify your patients with Strategic Alliance plans by checking their customer ID card, which will display our name and the name of the Strategic Alliance. Additional information, including contacts and claim submission information, can also be found on the customer's ID card. Claims should be submitted directly to the Strategic Alliance identified on the back of the customer's ID card.

Additional information

For more information about the benefit plans provided through Cigna's Strategic Alliance partners, go to Resources > Reference Guides > Medical Reference Guides.