Site of Care Guidance

Peer to Peer Physician Engagement

Specialty medications are complex and expensive. To ensure we are optimizing care for your patients, our customers, taking specialty medications, Cigna provides full-strength guidance no matter where the drugs are covered, dispensed or administered.

With a total health view of your patient, Cigna is able to see the big picture and identify opportunities for guiding their care to the most cost effective setting. Here's how we do it:

  • Our medical directors engage with our customer's doctor to have a peer-to-peer discussion about their treatment options for their high-cost injectable specialty medication care to evaluate if a lower cost setting, like the doctor's office or patient's home is feasible.
  • With their doctor, we ensure the customer is receiving the best clinical care in the most appropriate, cost efficient setting.
  • Working with the doctor, Cigna engages the customer to ensure we have the right plan in place for them.
  • We make it easy with our personal, condition specific case managers who coordinate the transition to ensure there is no disruption in care.

Medications included in Specialty Care Options*

– Enzyme Replacement Therapy
– Factor
– IVIG Therapy
– Orencia
– Prolia
– Remicade
– Rituxan
– Sandostatin
– Soliris
– Tysabri