Cigna Pathwell Specialty℠ Drug List

Cigna Pathwell Specialty℠ is for patients using a specialty medication to treat a complex medical condition. As part of this program, certain medications must be administered by a provider in the Cigna Pathwell Specialty Network or ordered from an in-network specialty pharmacy to be covered.

About this drug list

This is a list of infused and injected specialty medications that must be administered by a provider in the Cigna Pathwell Specialty Network, or ordered from an in-network specialty pharmacy, for them to be covered. Medications are listed alphabetically by condition with generic medications listed in all lowercase letters and brand-name medications in all capital letters. Additionally, this list contains drugs that may be on a 180 Day Hold and/or the Drug Removal Table list. This drug list is automatically updated so it provides the latest list of medications.

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Drug Name/Generic Name Brand Name/Trade Name Purpose HCPCS Code Precert Required? 180 DH DRT Drug List
Cigna Pathwell Specialty Drug List