Preventive Care

Prevention and Screening are key components of helping customers stay healthy and lead to quality, cost effective care. Customers and/or - Health Care Providers (HCP) are reminded when services are due or missed. utilizing our claims data. Programs that support preventive care are as follows:

  • Well Informed Gaps in Care - A reminder is sent to customers and their HCP when a potential gap in care has been identified in receiving important evidence-based care services. The program encourages customers to collaborate with their HCPs to take appropriate steps in closing the gap in care identified which could include missed medications, health screenings or exams. For example, women age 52 - 74 who have missed a mammogram in the last 27 months are reminded about the need for this service and their HCPs are notified of the missed service.
  • Cigna Colorectal Cancer Screening Program - An educational email/mailer is sent to eligible customers ages 45 – 64, who have been identified as not having a recommended colorectal cancer screening test. The outreach provides information on the importance of screening on the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. The types of screening that are available, encourages the customer to speak with their HCP to determine the test that is best for them. Cigna offers, customers the option to request an at home kit.
  • Immunization Reminder Program - A reminder email/mailer is sent to parents with information about the frequency of well visits, along with recommended immunizations, based on appropriate age groups. The reminder also encourages parents to follow-up with their child's HCP to ensure they are up-to-date on immunizations or create a catch up schedule.
  • Preventive Care Benefit Guidelines - Our Preventive Care Benefit Guidelines are based on U.S. Preventive Health Services Task Force guidelines and other nationally recognized organizations. The guidelines are reviewed and endorsed by Cigna's Clinical Advisory Committee whose members include Cigna participating providers.