Provider Satisfaction

Provider Satisfaction Outcomes

One way to offer quality customer service is to make sure you have the chance to give us feedback. Each year, we survey our providers to ask how we are doing. We use this information to help us improve our services.

We invite providers' offices from across our networks to regularly participate in our ongoing provider experience program. Primary care, medical, and surgical specialties across all sizes and types of practices are included. The surveys are conducted online, via email or interviews and explore the clinical and administrative touch points that providers tell us are most important in working with a payer.

We track the results and providers' point to areas of strength including building collaborative relationships, conducting business in a trustworthy and respectful manner and working together to engage patients and improve health. Providers' feedback also points out areas of focus for improvement efforts. Cigna is committed to continuous improvement of provider experiences such as simplifying prior authorization and approval processes for tests, procedures and medication requests.

Cigna is also committed to finding better ways to partner with our providers to help improve the health and wellbeing of our customers.