CAHPS® – Customer Satisfaction Measurements of Success

Cigna is committed to promoting quality service. We participate in the national *CAHPS® surveys (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Provider and Systems) to report on and evaluate customers’ experiences with health care. These annual surveys cover topics that are important to customers and focus on aspects of quality that customers are best qualified to assess, such as the communication skills of providers and ease of access to health care services.

*CAHPS® is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Rating Questions

Rating of Personal Doctor (Q18)
Rating of Specialist Seen Most Often (Q22)
Rating of All Health Care (Q8)
Rating of Health Plan (Q31)

Composite Measures

Getting Needed Care
Getting Care Quickly
How Well Doctors Communicate
Customer Service
Claims Processing
Care Coordination

Marketplace Quality Rating System (QRS)

The Affordable Care Act requires that Cigna implement a Quality Improvement Strategy (QIS) that rewards providers for quality through the use of market-based incentives, such as increased reimbursement or other incentives for the following topic areas:

  • Improve health outcomes
  • Prevent hospital readmissions
  • Improve patient safety and reduce medical errors
  • Provide wellness and prevention services
  • Reduce health and health care disparities

The Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Enrollee survey assesses the customers’ experience with qualified health plans in the exchange markets. The survey contributes to the Quality Rating System (QRS) measure set. The QHP Enrollee Survey expands on the CAHPS® Survey by incorporating existing CAHPS® supplemental items as well as new survey items. QHP Enrollee Survey topics include:

  • Access to care
  • Access to information
  • Care coordination
  • Cost
  • Cultural competence
  • Doctor communication
  • Health promotion
  • Plan administration
  • Prevention
  • Specialized services

Cigna attempts to maintain and improve results each year by taking action on opportunities identified from customer feedback. For example, we made information easier to obtain, more helpful and understandable on

We introduced a direct-to-customer communication strategy where customers receive direct email or in some cases, direct mail at their home address. Customers receive "Your network/Your plan" communications with information about their specific network, access to health and wellness information and how to register on

We launched a robust digital and direct onboarding experience for our customers through the Welcome Me Program. Customers have multiple touch points, proven to boost customer satisfaction and engagement. This program serves to improve transition of care and early participation in clinical opportunities, with the result of aiding customers to make use of their benefits more easily and affordably.

The Copay Assurance™ plan ensures consumers pay less out-of-pocket by capping copays on prescription drugs. The program will immediately guarantee lower out-of-pocket rates and customers will not have to wait to meet any deductible levels.

Cigna is able to offer annual screenings as part of its virtual care options through MDLive. During virtual visits customers can discuss health concerns, review family history and lab results and develop an action plan for medical and behavioral.

Cigna One Guide is a service that helps customers make smarter, informed choices to get the most from their plan. It offers the highest level of customer support that combines the ease of a powerful app with the personalized touch of live service. One Guide personal support, tools and reminders help customers stay healthy and save money.

Customer Service call centers are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customers can use web-enabled mobile apps and our Click to Chat option on to get immediate answers in both English and Spanish.